Saturday 11 December 2010


Cloudbuilder setting up @ Sound of Mu, November 8th 2010.

It's been a while.
This was supposed to be a project-blog. A place where I could share and write about my projects but as time progresses there isn't much time left.


What's been going on?

Firstly, my duo Cloudbuilder (with Arne Borgan) has been playing gigs in Trondheim, Bergen, Oslo and Kristiansand. We'll be back with more gigs in the new year but for now you can check out photos, videos and audio here:

Sadly there hasn't been much activity with DUNLOPE HIGHFLEX since playing at Kulturnatta in Kristiansand in May 2010 (with Beneva vs Clark Nova) but we'll be back in the spring with a gig in Oslo, more info will follow.

And then. What else? Well, the Circuit Bending Deed is growing. There are several different units waiting to be modified and give the chance of a happier existence, the field recording libraries are growing but not as much as I would like. My laptop is now filled with a strange mix of Ableton Live, MaxMSPJitter, Reaktor, MetaSynth, Reaper and just far too many pieces of great software to list here.

Some videos of some circuit bent videostuff can be found here:

And a recent remix can be found here:

Things are moving and shaking, rattling and humming.

But, then what? So what?

More will follow. This will be the arena where I will battle on with electronics, programming and video. Soon I shall commence work on the open source, hackable synth MeeBlip. This will be an ongoing and prolonged project, and all details will be posted here. I'm enthusiastic and hope others will be as well, with their own projects.

Circuit bent Cellular Automata Video Synth.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Atari Punk Console 2.0

While most sane people are out enjoying the spring sun, I had to stay indoors to build this wonderful little noise-maker, kit courtesy of

2 pots, 3 buttons, 1 LDR and 2 switches built into an old lunchbox, all powered by a 9v battery. Some samples will follow shortly.

Friday 19 February 2010

Speak and spell

I found this wonderful little Speak & Spell from 1980 on ebay for next to nothing and put it to good use...

It features 4 glitch switches, pitchshift (with on/off) and a loop pot.

A Speak & Math from 1981 arrived today, so there's more to come...!

Saturday 6 February 2010

Casio SA-8

I have finally gotten around to circuit bending the Casio SA-8 I've had lying around for a long time. I bought this on ebay for about $2 and finally put it to good use.

The controls on the left side are glitch randomizer and fifth step. With thanks to capserelectronics. com for great tips. The controls on the right side are worse: connected directly to the timing crystal, creating quite weird drony/noisy/random note generation. Alas, to end this weirdness one has to switch the Casio on and off. Fun, though...

Thursday 4 February 2010

Some more new instruments. I'll post some soundclips here, when I figure out how to do it...

Tuesday 2 February 2010

New instruments

Just finished making two new circuit bent instruments. They both sound like some kids TV show gone bad...

Friday 27 November 2009

Live at Charlies Bar 22.11.09

DUNLOPE HIGHFLEX live at Charlies Bar, Kristiansand, 22nd November 2009.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

LydMøte 5

It's time for another DUNLOPE HIGHFLEX LydMøte (SoundMeeting) in Kristiansand. Our first in 6 months.

The meetings are always refreshing and gives great focus towards our understanding of improvisation.

We contributed on the Trente Osieaux "Tori no Kaigi [ichi]" compilation released in 2009. This is a free download, and can be found here.

Also, our myspace can be found here.

Sunday 7 June 2009


"you walk for days among trees and among stones. rarely does the eye light on a thing, and then only when it has recognized that thing as the sign of another thing: a print in the sand indicates the tiger's passage; a marsh announces a vein of water; the hibiscus flower, the end of winter. all the rest is silent and interchangeable; trees and stones are only what they are."